Buy at $249,000 any day. Negotiated dates apply. With this plan, you negotiate various dates with the seller and may need to complete all fifteen steps. You will also receive greater flexibility to do a pre-buy inspection or to progress towards a purchase timewise.
Take the Survey!
(From The Button Given Below)
Once you have taken the survey, the Schedule the meeting button will be visible and you will be able to schedule the meeting directly with Steven Wightman!
I offer you option “B”. It is the sweetest deal. It benefits you. It is your clear path to flying and owning Super Seawind, N71RJ. In plan B, I will reduce your price to $197,000, a $52,000 price cut (also $35,000 below the TradeAPlane average price of $231,938 for currently listed older piston-powered Seawinds that offer no current annual inspection) and a 16k Cashback.
For this limited-time offer. Complete the steps, Before N71RJ will return to FULL PRICE of $249,000. Here is how it works: How do you qualify for purchase plan “B”? Simple; complete risk-free items 1-8 sequentially first.
You certify that you have completed all 8 steps in numerical order.
POH, performance profile, and the Training syllabus, land, and water, reviewed.
Access to cloud maintenance records granted via – free.
Schedule a 30-minute call with Steve on Calendly at least two business days before a scheduled call.
Schedule The MeetingMake your offer before the deadline or else you will miss it.
Our selection board reviews all offers within one business day of the deadline AND it accepts or rejects option payments. Rejected funds are returned to you, less any bank handling fees.
Opportunity to purchase some extra equipment not installed on the airplane at half the currently listed retail price.
A ten % deposit is made to the escrow account by wire transfer. Fully refundable while your option agreement is in force.
An optional pre-buy Inspection to be completed by a current FAA-certified maintenance technician before your option agreement expires.
Final payment of the balance due NLT on the closing date per the Purchase and sale agreement.
Extra equipment you purchased transfers separately within 4 days after closing.
Delivery is NLT four calendar days after your close date. Fly home!
For this limited time offer and with your fully executed Purchase and Sales Agreement, you will also get:
Ask us Here and and we will get back to you As soon as Possible!