With stills and video you may enter the world of real flying in a small highly maneuverable airplane. See video of leaving Bedford, MA for Oshkosh (1200 miles).
The following photos were taken a Seward Military Resort, Kenai Fiords National Monument (NM) Alaska. Here, we shall return in 2016. Our itinerary is Seattle, Ketchikan, Anchorage, Seward, Katmai National Park (NP), Wood Tik Chik SP (optional), Lake Clark NP, Anchorage, Ketchikan, Seattle and home. Weather will play a big roll in our travel plans. We may cancel one or more visits in favor of better weather elsewhere. If we only stayed in Misty Fiords National Monument and Seward, that would be enough to blow our minds with the incredible natural beauty of Alaska. It is simply indescribable in mere words. I think I would need a PhD in poetry to give these fiords justice.